type: picture
link: www.ontariocollectorscon.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Cybertron.ca - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion
link: www.cybertron.ca
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ontario Toy Shows
link: www.ontariotoyshows.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: TFcon - Canada's Annual Transformers Collectors Convention
link: www.tfcon.ca
behavior: follow
type: picture
link: www.cherrybombtoys.com
behavior: follow
type: picture
link: www.canucktibles.ca
behavior: follow
type: text
text: vBadvanced
link: www.vbadvanced.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Transformers
link: www.tfw2005.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: G.I. Joe
link: www.hisstank.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Toys and Action Figures
link: www.toyark.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Thundercats
link: www.thundercats.ws
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Canadian Star Wars Collectors Expo
link: www.starwarsexpo.ca
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Canadian 80s Toy Expo
link: www.80stoyexpo.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Canadian Collectible Toy Expo
link: www.collectibleexpo.com
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Canadian Action Figure Expo
link: www.actionfigureexpo.com
behavior: follow
type: picture
link: www.cobrastickers.com
behavior: follow
type: picture
link: www.agesthreeandup.com
behavior: follow