type: text
link: webmail10.druknet.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Tender
link: tender.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Economics Affairs
link: www.moea.gov.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
link: www.moa.gov.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Education
link: www.education.gov.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Finance
link: www.mof.gov.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
link: www.mfa.gov.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Health
link: www.moh.gov.bt
behavior: follow
type: text
text: Ministry of Home and Culture Affairs
link: www.mohca.gov.bt
behavior: follow