Linyi China_ ABOUT LINYI

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Lychina ( is the key website for outlanders and foreigners to get comprehensive information of Linyi City in depth. As a foreign publicity information platform covering five languages -- Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and Arabic, Lychina is making a display of Linyi in full swing, attracting better publicity for Linyi and providing service to people’s livelihood. Conforming to the trend of opening up to the world and internationalization of Linyi Trading Complex, and aiming to introduce the convenient trading environment, policies and logistics of Linyi City, Lychina is dedicating to establishing a practical, professional and reliable website for visitors all over the world.


Linyi China,The foreign-language website of Linyi China,Linyi,Shandong,Linyi,Linyi Wholesale Market,Tourism of Linyi,Linyi Culture,Business of Linyi,Logistics of Linyi,Cuisine of Linyi,Local map of Linyi,Weather of Linyi,Flights of Linyi,Transportation of Linyi

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update time 2020-10-27 06:42:12
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