山东大厦官方网站 - 在线预订


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矗立在济南南郊的山东大厦,东依千佛山、北临泉城公园,西与南郊宾馆融为一体,形成一组园林式建筑。山东大厦以其雍容大方、古朴典雅的建筑风格和气势雄伟的波特曼共享空间造型、中西合璧的建筑形式将在世界建筑界享有一席之地;据业内人士介绍,这一建筑在现代国际建筑史上也将占据特有的地位。Shandong Hotel is located in downtown Jinan, close to Qianfo Mountain to the east, overlooking Daming Lake and Baotu Springs to the north. Enjoying favorable transport conditions, Shandong Hotel is 38 km away to Jinan International Airport, 6 km away to Jinan Railway Station and approximately one hour's drive to Taishan Mountain or Qufu--the hometown of Confucius. Shandong Hotel is a large-scale super 5-star hotel which provides a variety of multi-functional facilities ranging from official or business meetings, accommodations, exhibitions, entertainment and cuisine of differen


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update time 2020-09-12 13:24:10
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