Sri Lanka Police Inspector Assosation (SLPIA)

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Sri Lanka Police Inspector Assosation (SLPIA), For a people friendly professional prestigious Police Service. To protect, promote and safeguard the interests and welfare of its members as a body, To promote mutual respect and goodwill amongst its members and to encourage loyalty and co-operation in the best interest of the Public Service to take such steps as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of this object.


Sri Lanka Police Inspector Assosation (SLPIA),Sri Lanka Police Department,or a people friendly professional prestigious Police Service. To protect,promote and safeguard the interests and welfare of its members as a body,To promote mutual respect and goodwill amongst its members and to encourage loyalty and co-operation in the best interest of the Public Service to take such steps as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of this object. etc

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update time 2020-07-09 08:54:04
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