fiber ftth - Ningbo bingcheng communication equipment co., LTD

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Bingcheng communication equipment is a professional enterprise dedicated to the development, production and sales of FTTH products. Our main products include fiber optic cable, fiber optic distributor, quick assembly connector, fiber optic jumper, fiber optic distribution frame (ODF), MPO/MTP jumper, adapter, attenuator, fiber optic distribution box and fiber optic fusion box, fiber distributor box, fiber splitter box, optical cross box, connector box, etc


production and sales of FTTH products. Our main products include fiber optic cable,fiber optic distributor,quick assembly connector,fiber optic jumper,fiber optic distribution frame (ODF),MPO/MTP jumper,adapter,attenuator,fiber optic distribution box and fiber optic fusion box,fiber distributor box,fiber splitter box,optical cross box,connector box,etc

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update time 2024-10-02 20:41:22
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